Algunas consideraciones sobre la responsabilidad social empresarial
This article refers to the dissemination and importance that has taken the social responsibility of companies or corporations. He points out its criteria, its fields of action and attention, where the values underlying their basic purpose. Explores some of the definitions which serve as a support to the questioning that makes social responsibility when it pursues qualitative and quantitative benefits. The content of the text leads to several conclusions which the author hopes to point the meaning of corporate social responsibility, criteria, their values and their recognized importance in contemporary society. )P TVIWIRXI EVXuGYPS WI VI½IVI E PE divulgaci n e importancia que ha tomado la responsabilidad social de las empresas o cor-poraciones. Se ala sus criterios, sus campos de acci n y atenci n, los valores en los cuales se fundamenta su prop sito b sico. Indaga EPKYREW HI WYW HI½RMGMSRIW PEW GYEPIW WMVZIR de punto de apoyo al cuestionamiento que se le hace a la responsabilidad social cuando GSR IPPE WI TIVWMKYIR FIRI½GMSW GYEPMXEXMZSW y cuantitativos. El contenido del texto con-duce a varias conclusiones con las cuales su EYXSV IWTIVE TYRXYEPM^EV IP WMKRM½GEHS HI PE responsabilidad social empresarial, sus crite-rios, sus valores y su reconocida importancia en la sociedad contempor nea.