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dc.rights.licenseAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia (CC BY-NC-ND 2.5 CO)*
dc.contributor.authorMorales Piñero, Juan Carlosspa
dc.contributor.authorCote Sánchez, María Carolinaspa
dc.contributor.authorMolina Bernal, Irma Amaliaspa
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez Jerez, Sergio Alejandrospa
dc.identifier.citationMorales Piñero, J.C., Cote Sánchez, M.C., Molina Bernal, I.A. & Rodríguez Jerez, S. A. (2020). ICTs and their impact on academic results: an analysis based on the TPACK model . En Molina Bernal, I. A., Morales Piñero, J.C & Rodríguez Jerez, S.A. (compiladores), Importance of ICT in the teaching-learning process: middle and higher education studies (pp. 33-69). Universidad Sergio Arboleda. 10.22518/book/9789585158092spa
dc.description.abstractThe integration of ICTs in the educational field has become an innovative tech nique for improving teaching-learning processes. This study aims to analyze the incidence of ICTs in the results of the Saber 11 tests applied in 2016, in Cun dinamarca and Bogotá. Since integrating ICTs in the classroom should not be analyzed in isolation, the TPACK model will be taken as a frame of reference for this study. This model encompasses the two main components of education (pedagogy and content) and technology. A questionnaire was designed and applied to collect information on teachers’ competencies about the TPACK model. Li kewise, a quantitative analysis (linear regression and ANOVA) was proposed, taking the students’ average results, grouped by the institution, as an indepen dent variable. This allowed observing the variations of their behavior in contrast to the different independent variables. The relevance obtained by the students’ socio-economic family status (Sig. = 0,000) to explain the behavior of the inde pendent variable is highlighted, as well as the negative relationship between the technological infrastructure and the results obtained in the standardized tests of the government schools. In conclusion, the study corroborates previous research, stating that high socio-economic status institutions obtain better results than those of low status. However, the current integration of technology, pedagogy, and content is not relevant when explaining the Saber 11 test results.eng
dc.publisherUniversidad Sergio Arboledaspa
dc.relation.ispartofImportance of ICT in the teaching-learning process: middle and higher education studieseng
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSerie Investigaciónspa
dc.titleICTs and their impact on academic results: an analysis based on the TPACK
dc.subject.lembRendimiento académicospa
dc.subject.lembEducación secundaria – Innovaciones tecnológicasspa
dc.subject.lembTecnología educativaspa
dc.subject.lembTecnología de la informaciónspa
dc.subject.lembMétodos de enseñanza - Innovaciones tecnológicasspa
dc.subject.lembMediciones y pruebas educativasspa
dc.subject.lembAcademic achievementeng
dc.subject.lembEducation, secondary - Technological innovationseng
dc.subject.lembEducational technologyeng
dc.subject.lembInformation technologyeng
dc.subject.lembTeaching Methods - Technological innovationseng
dc.subject.lembEducational tests and measurementseng
dc.publisher.programEscuela de Filosofía y Humanidades., Escuela de Ciencias Exactas e Ingeniería., Escuela de Educaciónspa
dc.rights.accesoAbierto (Texto Completo)spa
dc.rights.creativecommonsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombiaspa
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dc.identifier.instnameinstname:Universidad Sergio Arboledaspa
dc.identifier.reponamereponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Sergio Arboledaspa
dc.type.localCapítulo de Librospa
dc.subject.proposalSaber 11spa
dc.subject.proposalsocio-economic levelspa

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